2a: Creating an environment of
respect and rapport
Throughout my methods block placement, I assumed responsibility for curating the daily morning meeting slides that served as a pivotal engagement tool for my students each morning. These slides played a crucial role in establishing the day's atmosphere and provided a platform for clarifying expectations before the commencement of activities. This experience not only facilitated my understanding of my students but also provided them with insights into my persona and teaching approach.
2c: Managing classroom procedures
Through collaborative rule-setting with students during my methods block placement, I fostered classroom transitions and established a foundation of effective rules. By engaging students in the co-construction of these rules, it not only enhanced their comprehension of expectations but also empowered them to adhere to these guidelines more effectively, as they played an active role in their creation.
2d: Managing student behavior +
2e: Organizing physical space.
In the course "Learning Environment and Social Interaction in Inclusive Settings (SED212)," I developed a comprehensive portfolio featuring various artifacts focused on classroom management. These artifacts encompass elements such as the organization of physical space, strategies for effective parent communication, integration strategies from CASEL (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning), and behavior management strategies. This portfolio equips me with the tools to establish a welcoming and secure learning environment for my students.